
Sign up to MeaningfulWork for Nonprofits Premium for access to exclusive workshops with a MeaningfulWork Expert. These interactive workshops are aimed to uplift your organization in key areas. Pricing: $200/year for access to all 3 workshops and a growing set of features on If pricing is a barrier, we offer a sliding scale from $25 - $200. All workshops are 1-hour long and include a resource guide for your organization. We only include the most critical and engaging content to fit them within your busy schedules. Workshop 1: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Nonprofit Spaces We will work with your organization to deliver an effective training on EDI and anti-oppression. Workshop participants will walk away with critical knowledge in EDI, and next steps to take within their organization. You can book them at any time that works for you. Workshop 2: Impact Mapping with Theory of Change and SDGs We will work with your organization to develop a Theory of Change. This is a powerful framework to visualize and communicate your impact and how you make it to key stakeholders. Our Impact mapping system integrates the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Design Justice Principles to keep your organization's communications up to date. Workshop 3: Leveraging Hiring Grants to Boost Capacity (Canada Only) Shift your organization from relying on volunteers to paid interns who can work full time on your nonprofit. You will learn how to access hiring grants from Governments to build and grow your nonprofit while providing fair wages towards your work.

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