Night Owl Odysseys

We are Night Owl Odysseys - a group of eclectic writers, musicians, and artists who write and design all-in-one 5e adventures that come complete with fully illustrated PDFs, battlemaps, magic items, monsters, and musical tracks with looping variants! We collectively have over 50 years of experience playing, running, and loving tabletop roleplaying games and storytelling and want to share that passion with the rest of you! From fetch quests turned awry to dragon hunts ending in epic battles, our adventures will cover every corner of what makes coming back to the table each week so much fun. Every adventure comes with its own custom battlemaps, at least one new custom monster and magic item to fit the theme, and custom-composed musical tracks to bring it all together. We are releasing 4 Paid-For Adventure per Month, and can't wait for you to see what we have to offer. So, grab a seat, stay a while, and enjoy our adventures!

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