Republic of Vannania

Hello, people of the internet! I'm Vanna, president (for life) of the Republic of Vannania. I've been infesting the World Wide Web with my presence through art, crafts, blogging and retro-style web developing since 2003 (though it wasn't retro-style back then, haha). Lately, I've also been dabbling into the arts of fanfiction writing and 3D modelling, and many many other things. If you like my "contributions" to mankind, you can buy me a coffee and send me a prompt so I can draw something fun for you in my little sketchbook as a thank you <3 Also, commisions are open for stuff in the style of my trippy/psychedelic paintings. You can contact me through any of my social media accounts (links on the left) with the details and we'll talk about it =D

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