
So, why open a Ko-fi? A way to contribute and show support. I love working on the POVs. They give me a use for my overactive imagination and let me continue sharing new content with y'all. Which, in turn, helps keep me excited and motivated to work on the game. But having said that, writing them is also hard work and time-consuming. And while I wish I had unlimited time and resources, that just isn't the case. Opening up this Ko-fi allows those of you who are financially able and willing to contribute to show your support. Don't worry, nothing is changing with the POVs themselves. The short stories I write for Truths Untold have always been--and will continue to be free for everyone to read and enjoy. Having the option for people to give financial support just allows me to justify spending more time on the POVs and helps ease my mind some. Every little bit helps and is much appreciated, but believe me, I know that times are tough right now, and a dollar doesn't stretch as far as it used to. So if you want to contribute but are unable to give money, there are still other ways you can help out. So no pressure. Simple things, like sharing our game with people you think might enjoy it, or leaving an encouraging comment for us, are both great alternatives.


Make money doing what you love. No fees on donations!
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