Iffat (she/her)

Hello! I'm Iffat. I'm a professional henna artist of 8+ years who loves exploring concepts of the cultural art form in creative ways, particularly interested in linking back to the history of henna through an art therapy and social lense. I'm known for fusing traditional henna elements with more contemporary and stylised designs. My goal for this page is to have the means to continue affording high quality henna materials, creating educational and visually artistic content to share on my socials, as well as other things that can help me provide the best service to clients. Things like affording the medication and treatments I need to to manage my chronic health conditions, which unfortunately has hindered me being consistent enough in my henna art over the last 9 years (and life generally as well) The living cost in the UK (and the West) has been difficult for everyone, so please only give tips if you have the means to. I sincerely thank you for your support!

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