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the Scenes
Chapo Ailurophile

Hi, I am Chapo Ailurophile a content creator defined by the following things. 1. I suffer from bipolar disorder. ☯️ 2. I have an obsession with Cats and Kittens. 🐱❤️ 3. I have an obsession with Science. 👨‍🔬🔬🧪🧫🧬🔭❤️ 4. I have a physical disability (I use a Wheelchair). ♿ 5. I am part of the LGBT community. (I am Bisexual). 🏳️‍🌈 On my Ko-fi Page, I will upload pictures of my behind the scenes creation process, and if You are feeling generous You can buy me a 5 dollar coffee (or in my particular case a cat snack) You can do so in 2 ways: One Time. Monthly Membership; If You want extra rewards. (I will need your email to send them to you) My cat and I will be always grateful to everyone who supports us. ❤️

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