A.J. Abdon

"Mr. Abdon, we have sufficient evidence to place you under arrest." Those were the words that changed my life. Fortunately, I didn't go to jail, the charge was dropped but I did end up losing my career. BUT... Since then, I have found my PURPOSE in life and that is to help and inspire others to go for their dreams and goals and to show anyone, regardless of struggle or obstacles, they can achieve success! The unfortunate event is my "lucky" event and it was the BEST thing that ever happened to me. Hey everyone! Thank you so much for dropping by and checking out my page! I'm grateful you're here :) I'm using this Ko-Fi page to fund my 2-part book series (The Last Guardians of Atlantis and The Princesses Of Atlantis) and further book and blog projects. Currently, I am the process of Self-Publishing my book: - Creating my own Book Cover - Creating Marketing Materials - Building a website and Blogs! With your generosity and help, I can fulfill my purpose to DO GOOD. Thanks!

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