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World Of Anthrothia

Any moneys received from my Ko-fi will go towards purchases from Unreal engine to speed up the world being released. So many things that need to be done, being a one man show, it takes time. Your support will help me speed this up. Purchasing characters for the game being one of the foremost. I will be making the world, programming quests, storyline, artwork. Well truthfully, I do not have the time to also create characters. (Not that great at making faces truth be known; and stick men just won't cut it: I know my limits lol) From here I have all supporters joined to my Discord. There is where all the main action is. I have a brief story line. Will also introduce my new pet system ( hint: players making NPC's?) and a little area where my sponsors can get to name cities, street even Taverns. Will also have one or two of the top sponsors actually get to own their own city in world...and so much more .....

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