
hi everyone! i'm trying out this new platform and eventually opening a shop here, as ko-fi lets artists keep more of the money they make by not charging listing fees. there's a tip feature, if you just wanna occasionally, monthly or even just once buy me a coffee (or a paint brush, tube of paint, blank canvas, or other art supply metaphor). i've got the little tip button on my website as well. ko-fi also does memberships, kinda like patreon. i haven't decided if i want to go that route yet but it's nice having that option in case i want to in the future. and there's a feed here that functions like a blog, which i will try to keep updated. i'm not very good at updating my actual blog but as i've been thinking about redoing my website, perhaps this will become my main blogging location and the website will become more of a gallery showcase. still thinking it all through. stay tuned!

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