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Aaron T. Carter

Welcome to Aaron's page! Hello and well met! This page is sort of similar to those of other developer/teacher software engineers who do special things for their subscribers: bonus tutorials/content, a bit of personalized mentorship/help, access to private repos, source code, tools, etc that aren't publicly available and in some cases, maybe even live help! When I am bored and feeling nice, I sometimes help random people 1:1 and try to add a little value to their world! However, this is also different ... it's not for everyone. If you only want to learn one language or library and do one thing and you don't care about computer science or machine-learning or high-end graphics/games and advanced tech then you probably will not like my content. If you are afraid of getting into lower-level or "advanced" scenarios and learning how to handle code in its different forms, then you honestly might not enjoy it. However, people who really want to deep-dive into things, deconstruct it all, reverse-engineer and figure out tricks and hacks, do cool tests/experiments and prototypes, play around with new tech, code, devices, etc, then you have probably found a great new home! Here, I do a lot of things ... I do a lot of C#/.NET development, cloud (Azure, AWS, GCP, etc), as well as C/C++ native code, sometimes a little assembly, Python, Powershell or whatever ... but we dabble in all sorts of things to complete our missions. What I think we are all sort of learning together is how to be the "specialist engineer" of the future who knows how to work with a diverse array of tools and languages and how to use AI and automation in smart ways to tie it all together! Likewise, I am working on a new generation of tools, libraries, cloud services and AI models to build a better development pipeline and toolchain that is conducive to the new era and AI-driven development cycle! "AIDD", "AI-Ops" + DevOps + automation + generation ... we are figuring it out, making it and using it to improve itself! :-) For those brave, ambitious souls who want to master the domain of computer science, software engineering and machine learning, learn to build apps, games, libraries, cloud services, engines, tools, whatever you want! We build anything! 8-)

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