Ava Janzel

If you know me at all, you know I love shitposting and making art, writing, cosplaying, and blogging and all that fun stuff. Although it can be overwhelming to do on top of work, travel and school, I still love it. But this page exists because I never really made art freelance or shared it much before. I never thought I was good enough to make a living in art despite it being what I studied. I used to work in outdoor education and was lucky to make art for archaeology purposes, but due to travel restrictions, I lost that income during the pandemic and got a nice apartment eviction to go on my record on top of it. I'm still recovering from all of this and getting back on my feet but in the meantime I'm finally sharing the art I make with others. Which is why I have this page! It helps ease the burden off just a bit every time someone donates and gives me a HUGE morale boost that someone is enjoying the content I create! Donations and subscriptions help me get one step closer to my ultimate goal of being able to fully support myself off of my art and in the meantime, it eases the burden of it all. You have no idea how much it means to me when someone lends a hand. Even just one ko-fi. It'll motivate me to post art every day. Really, it just means the world to me and it makes such a huge difference.

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