Beryl the Feral

I'm not somebody who feels comfortable marketing and promoting myself; but i'm having a try at being more visible in this way, as every small offering makes a difference in such a ramshackle Artist life. I'm not doing so many live gigs these days, which means that i'm not out in the world touting my books, so my word-offerings havent been 'working for me' in the same way. I'm doing my best to take the hint and reach out with a new approach; setting my poims free across the internet, for them to each take their own journeys of being shared and related-to. It's my hope that they will cross the paths of the right people, who need to hear them at the right time; perhaps even saying the right thing... If any of you feel moved to support me and my work as these pieces roam freely, it would truly be a moving thing. Theres plenty of books in stock so feel free to share or support in that way too! (PS. This system takes a healthy commission from your donation so direct paypal to is also welcome!) Beryl The Feral

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