
You can of course, contribute any amount, though $5 monthly would be a huge help! Your donations funds the creation of the content for Bible805--the videos, podcasts, blogs, and other materials. Much of it is free to anyone who benefits from it and I don't take any outside advertising or participate in any affiliate arrangements. Though it is free to you, it isn't free to create. Your support helps pay for the operating costs including software, hardware, hosting services (I pay a premium for a secure server), and the various online subscriptions needed to create the materials I pass on to you for free. In addition, my goal, our Lord willing is for the Bible805 ministry to support my work to create the materials. At present I work another job to pay my bills and for the ministry costs. I look to the Apostle Paul for my example--when he first went into an area, he worked as a tentmaker until he got established. After some time people he ministered to were able to support him and he could devote more time to ministry. If the products and resources of Bible805 are useful to you, I pray your support will share the load of the costs of the ministry--it will be appreciated greatly.

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