
This is a - per whatever - based tipping page that does not hold your wallet at gunpoint. You may ”tip” however much, whenever, should you consider that my stuff deserves your blessings. I am doing this mainly to motivate myself while I am learning Blender (for real hardcore models) and to gather the funds necessary for a middle to high servitor rig (unlike my current potato tier laptop) that can handle modeling without any issues/soul shattering crashes. If you like my stuff (which I post for free on cults), feel free to assist me to your heart's content with any of your undesired, dirty and corrupting money/credits/warpstone tokens/aquillas/(REDACTED)/requisition/tokens/teef/etc (depending of your sector of Imperial/Non-Imperial space of residence). Also, with any tip you should leave a message with model concepts that you might like to see posted. Said requests might be my next models :-)

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