
Dear Friends and Bookwyrmz! Thank you for visiting my Ko-fi page. When I'm passionate about something, it inspires me and I need to express that creatively. It is no secret that I like to design stuff: my own bookmarks, book covers, heck, even the whole bookwyrmz design system was created by me. Sometimes, I find a way to incorporate that into my bookwyrmz posts or stories, sometimes I don't. That is why I have expanded to Ko-fi, where I will be posting pieces of my own design and sharing them with you! Now, that doesn't mean that I will be pulling back and keeping some of the stuff I make behind a paywall. Au contraire, mes chers! I hope to simply post even more content and goodies, and stuff that you can use as well. After all, we are all bookwyrmz together! Of course, the option to buy me coffee still remains, but you are under no obligation to do so. All I ask of you is to drop by from time to time and check out if any awesome new designs are waiting for you. So until next time, Have a magical day/week/month! Yours wizardly, Michael 🧙‍

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