
Hi Cervivors! Oh gosh, I haven’t used that yet so I’m not used to it but isn’t it stinkin’ cute? Anyways! Welcome to my Ko-Fi page! Streaming is such a rewarding experience, I love doing it with all my heart and my dream is to do it full time as career. Most people have the time to build up to that, I’m definitely on that same boat but as many of you know, I’ll be moving abroad this year. I’m not fluent in the language and will be in a somewhat rural area so finding work will be difficult for me which is one of the many reasons I began streaming. Your much appreciated donations will go towards improving my streams (building a better pc, playing new games, etc) but will also help me out financially towards contributing to my household income. I will be adding rewards in the very near future including emotes, drawings and more! I also just want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart, I love this community that we’re building and I hope we can continue to help each other grow and support one another! - Cereza

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