
Hello Everyone~ My name is Day and I'm a chronically ill writer. I spend most of my time at work or in doctor offices but what I do to fill the gaps is write. My parents help me out a lot by letting me stay with them--I did have to move back in with my parents--so I don't have to pay rent but most of my money goes to doctor appointments (I see a total of 9 doctors and that's just currently!) and medication. Because I'm a spoonie, sometimes cooking is a hassle because I don't have the energy or would like a few more minutes of sleep before work. Any spare cash I have goes to making my life easier and that usually means grabbing something small to eat for breakfast in the morning. You won't be buying me a coffee because technically I can't have caffeine but the spare cash for a parfait or a souffle instead of going hungry for a huge chunk of the day because I can't make breakfast would really help. I really appreciate your support and thank you in advance for anything you can send my way! Day

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