Chubber Bunner

Hey there! My name is Chubber Bunner, or Bunner for short. Welcome to my Ko-Fi page! I am a digital artist, and I am someone who loves to draw and exercise my own creativity through character illustrations and design! For a good while, I've been "thinking" in trying to make a living from my works and skills, but hesitation kept me from doing commissions or setting up pages like Ko-Fi. Failure in finding works in my region didn't help my mood either. So amidst the pressure that life has been giving me, I found the courage to start something, and that something is Ko-Fi! Since I'm still finding my footing in the art industry in general, I'll be using this Ko-Fi page as a donation box and a place to show off my artworks. Though I am planning to also implement a membership system, and set up commission requests. But those will require some time and lots of planning on my part. There is a lot I want to do, if things goes well, I might be able to do something more ambitious. But that's a talk for another time, when I have a better grasp of how to achieve it! For now, thank you for checking out my page!!

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