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Comma Typer

Hello! I am Comma Typer, currently writing My Little Pony fan fiction on Fimfiction (to be found here:, with stories to be found here: My upcoming projects include a yet-unnamed longer-form story set in the Crystal War timeline from the Season 5 finale, as well as hopefully more stories in the other timelines from said finale. For now, I will be posting daily writing updates (starting next week) that will be unlocked by paying a small fee. The funds will be used to partly support myself in savings/general investments, and partly to pay for professional writing software (like Plottr). You can bank on my consistency as a writer: stories come as they come, published only when they are good to go with a nice buffer. I guarantee that chapters will be posted on a regular schedule once the story is up (except under extraordinary circumstances), if God allows. If my current and/or upcoming stories/voyages into the unknown interest you, then you can show your support by buying me a coffee or two. I am stingy, so rest easy knowing I'll put much of it towards savings and important expenses, including writing-related ones.

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