
Hi, I'm contaria, a Minecraft modder on fabric. My main focus is on creating and improving mods for minecraft speedrunning, but I also make optimization / quality of life mods like FastQuit and publish them on Modrinth and Curseforge. My most popular mod FastQuit currently has over 1,400,000 downloads (as of January 31st 2024) and is part of popular optimization modpacks like Fabulously Optimized. Working with Mixin (and it's companion library MixinExtras by the awesome LlamaLad7) specifically is a lot of fun for me. I also have some more silly projects like the 1.14.4 Emulator where i try to improve my mixin knowledge, if you are interested in goofy stuff like unfixing bugs and mixin config plugins, go check it out! Donations are appreciated but never necessary, my mods will always be freely available for everyone to use! If you just want to chat you can also join my Discord (, I'd love to see you around! :)

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