courage + curiosity

A WORK IN PROGRESS Six years ago I wrote down these words... Have the COURAGE to be yourself and the CURIOSITY to explore who that is And so, I’m learning to embrace my uniqueness, heading off the beaten path. You’re welcome too; the more the merrier. I’ll walk alongside you. I’m embarking on a venture that encompasses my experience and expertise as a creative designer with one of self awareness, meaning and empathy. To lend you my ear and advice. A place where kindness in design is not a dirty word. I call it DESIGNKIND. I’ve been in the darkness and needed ‘my people’ during those stumbling steps back into the light, which means you, dear creative one, don’t have to do it alone. Welcome to the humble beginnings of this journey. I'm historically not very good at asking for help. I've felt I should quietly soldier on rather than burden anyone with my queries or worries as far back as my primary school reports but I realise now sometimes in order to help others you need to ask first. So here I am quietly asking for help so that I can build a venture rooted in purpose. I know it’ll be imperfect & squiggly, another historical hurdle for me to overcome (oh hi perfectionism) but it’ll be real. Me. This is not the alpha way, this is the human way.

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