Dale's Ramblings

Greetings! Hopefully if you've found this page you're at least somewhat familiar with my work, but if not I have basically taken it upon myself to review a whole bunch of Doctor Who novels from the Wilderness Years. I've been doing it for a while now, but only recently decided that maybe I should have some kind of tipping system in place. This is that system. The release of new content will not be contingent upon set goals or anything like that, which is half of the reason I'm not using a site like Patreon, because my release schedule is too woefully inconsistent for that, I feel. I am also not in any financial hardship, so don't feel any obligation from that point of view either. This is purely an optional thing if you want to show some measure of financial appreciation for the nonsense I do. Anyway, whatever the case may be, I hope you like my stuff to continue reading it. Even if you can't support me financially at this time, I'm eternally grateful that anyone reads my ramblings whatsoever.

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