
Hi there! Let us first share about who we are and why we're requesting for your Support I'm Rev Damian Alamba, Bondservant of Jesus Christ from Nigeria. My wife and I are Itinerant Evangelists and Missionaries. We want to be fully committed to world Evangelism and Soul winning through Gospel crusades, Outreaches, Hospital Visitation, Prison Visitation and charity for Orphans. I am passionate about writing for God and my heart's desire is to have the freedom to write anointed blog content full-time to edify and strengthen the faith of believers worldwide. I see this as part of my MINISTRY.  I feel that this verse perfectly sums up the focus of my writing ministry: “Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving" Col 2:7 1) We want https://www.damianalamba.com to continue for a long time. We have readers who eagerly look forward to receiving the latest Christian content every week, who are excited to receive God's current word for their lives. I love writing Christian articles, devotionals, Prayer points and preparing sermons — it's one of the most fun and fulfilling things I've ever done. 2) We need to make https://www.damianalamba.com self-sustaining for this to work. If it is going to go on for a long time, it has to be able to support itself. With this, a reader can donate whatever they want per month and the donation is recurring each month after that. So anything, from $1/month up, is hugely helpful to the cause! What We'll Use the Money For: Here are our costs: 1. Ongoing Web development. It's a website, so there are always upsetting glitches coming out of nowhere and occasionally, we add a new site feature.  2. Facebook post "boosts". When we announce a new post on Facebook, this makes sure that the announcement gets onto 1/3 or 1/2 of our Facebook followers' News Feeds. 3. My Family. We need to continue to eat things and wear things and turn lights on as I work on these posts. God will provide through you wonderful, blessed people!  4. Hosting. We need to upgrade to a paid hosting plan to support the highest spikes in traffic we ever get so we don't crash during those moments. 5. Email Marketing Service. We need to upgrade and start posting out new contents to our subscription list. This fee grows as the email list grows. That's the basics. With those pieces covered, Https://www.damianlamba.com can support itself and continue to be a huge blessing to others! If the Holy Spirit leads you to become our Sponsor/Partner, please do so. I can't wait to welcome you into our inner faith circle. Let's grow in Christ together!  Our Goal is to raise $2,500 per month ! At this level, I'll be able to reach even more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ daily and at the same time have no worries about putting food on the table for my family and keeping the electricity on. Thanks for being a blessing, and our God will surely multiply the seeds you sow into a mighty harvest for you!

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