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What I Do
+ 1 More
David Royale / Saitama

Hey there, fellow Pauper players! As part of the community, I know firsthand how time-consuming and hectic playtesting and content creation can be. Between deck building and managing family and work responsibilities, it's a juggling act! But here's where you can make a difference. By donating, you'll fuel my passion for creating original and awesome content for you to enjoy with your support. In addition, I can upgrade my video editing tools, hardware, and software, which will help me create even more amazing Pauper videos to share with all of you. It means the world to me that you've taken the time to visit this page. Your donations will help me continue producing high-quality content you'll love. So join me on this journey, and let's make the MTG Pauper community thrive together! I appreciate your support, and I can't wait to share my future content with you all.

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