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What I Do
+ 1 More
Death Taffy

I'm excited to share my passion for crafting with you and hope that my unique art-figures and accessories bring joy to your life! ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────── 💜 ──────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ If you appreciate my work and want to support my creative journey, consider supporting me here. Your donations will go towards funding my art supplies, studio space, and other necessary expenses. Additionally, I use donations to support my ongoing efforts to expand and improve my craft. This includes investing in new equipment and software for my digital art and print designs, as well as researching and experimenting with new techniques and materials for my resin crafting. In addition to creating art-figures and accessories, I also produce videos on my YouTube channel where I share my creative process, tutorials on resin crafting, digital art, and sewing. By supporting me on Ko-fi, you'll also be supporting my YouTube channel, helping me to continue creating content that inspires and educates others who share my passion for crafting and art.

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