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Del Elle

Nice to meet you 👋 Take the comfy seat, with the constellation cushions. Your favourite drink? Ready and waiting on the small table to your right 🍹 with a jug if you need a refresh. Apologies, as you can see (and if you've popped over from Royal Road you might have noticed already) I love to write. Short stories, web fiction, poetry; it's a part of me that never goes away. A part that comes alive when it has time and space to to operate without presence of a boss. This page is to help support that. To give me the time, space and freedom to write, create and live (rent, costs, even the pens that I use - yes I write long-hand then either type up short pieces or use a handwritten to text converter for longer ones). If you feel like helping out, it will be greatly appreciated. And if it's not something that you can do at the moment, that's okay too (the last thing I want is for this to cause you any form of financial hardship and reading my web stories and poems, or listening to my music and sharing them is a great help too 👍). My current piece is a poetry collection called "Dances, Towers, Hills and Skies". It gets posted on Wattpad, Royal Road and Quotev and I'm thinking about adding the sequel in time too. Thank you for taking the time to read this and, if you’re already one of my patrons, thank you for your support 🙇. Best wishes, Del 🐋

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