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Hi! Welcome! And most importantly, thank you for taking a peek at this new little corner of the internet I'm building for myself! I tend to be a bit of a shy, tired person who is easily overwhelmed and has no particular desire to take arts and crafts beyond a 'hobbyist' level - and so I've tended to shy away from places like Patreon or Etsy, which come with far more expectations and, frankly, far more work. And yet- I've also wanted a place where I can offer a few more goodies here and there (I love, in particular, creating resources that people running or participating in tabletop RPGs can utilise), offer surprise freebies for long term supporters, and organise some of my commission slots in a slightly more accessible way. For large scale, scene-style commissions, I will only ever accept these after a conversation about the piece has occurred, to avoid locking myself in or having to offer a refund where the expected art is beyond my ability or willingness to create. For things that are a bit more straightforward with controlled expectations, I'm hoping this site here will help to streamline the process! The ease of creating membership tiers is a bonus as well, and while I simply can't operate with a rewards system the way that patreon users do, I appreciate every drop of support, recurring or not, that will help me keep my system running smoothly and up to date and help me save up for a coveted tablet upgrade. As thanks I will periodically drop freebies into my shop, which I may make available for a small cost to non-subscribers after a period of time. Absolutely no offence taken if you decide to sign up, nab your freebies, take advantage of early access to YCH comms, and unsubscribe, for example! Thanks for dropping by, I hope you come by again, and don't forget you can still always find me on tumblr!

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