Aleksandras Urbonas

In this page, I am sharing my personal experience of a journey within, which I call "Discover the Unknown". Going public also a means working with anxiety and fear. Anxiety that this will make no difference, and fear of humiliation. Some of these ideas might seem ridiculous to you! A lot of insights came during the last three years, during which I have looked deeper into myself. There I found multiple blockers to wellbeing, freedom, and enlightenment: physical and mental states, distractions, negative moods, addictions, personal traits. Writing is something that I do on daily basis, so I tried to describe my journey. Over the last three years a large collection of notes got accumulated: some remain in a personal journal, others were slowly polished into distinct chapters of a book. The following quote motivates me to persist: > Show me a person who is happy with their first draft. ~ Joseph Goldstein on writing poetry

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