
Howdy and hello! This Ko-fi page is intended to be as a way to help me with my side projects. Currently, I make a lot of content completely for free! While I love producing things for people without charging them, this isn't exactly a sustainable way of life. So, as a way to compromise, here is a completely optional tipping system! There are no special benefits for supporting me on here. However, if there's a particular project of mine that you want done a little faster, you can specify on a donation what you want me to work on. $6 will add an extra 30 minutes of dedicated working time for a project as long as I have the spare time (I am a college student after all). Every $3 not attached to commissions or art sales, I will add a Splatoon Smallfry to a large canvas! Please note that this only applies to existing projects only. Custom projects still have to go through my commissions process (sorry).

Make money doing what you love. No fees on donations!
Start a free Ko-fi page
