Drowned in Sound

By supporting this page, you'll be contributing toward the costs of keeping our independent self-hosted forums at http://community.drownedinsound.com online and paying it forward to ensure they're free for all to use. Payments will go to CCCLX Music Limited, a company run by Sean Adams the founder of Drowned in Sound. This will pay for Fasthosts hosting for the community (minimum of £228.00 per year), AWS image hosting for community (estimated £200 per year), and SendGrid for email sending for community (estimated £188 per year). Our target is £616 per year / £52 per month. Any additional income will be discussed by the community for how it's used i.e. the rainy day fund, cover months when donations drop or admin costs. 🖼️ Cover image is by Midjourney, using the prompt: Simpsons form a band. In the style of Ralph Steadman.

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