
Why, hello there! Welcome to my little corner of the internet o/ ... I think this is the part where I give my life story, right? Right, OK... so, once upon a time, I wanted to play board games with my friends - but there was a catch: it was the year 2020. Going round to my friend's house was not possible, so we needed to play online. But that meant asking my friends to pay for a board game simulator on Steam... It was at this point that I went on a quest to find a free 3D board game simulator! ... but I came back from my quest empty-handed. I was distraught. Mortified. Confused. "How, oh, how shall I play board games online with my friends??", I shouted to the heavens. I was about to walk away, when the clouds opened up and revealed none other than Morgan Freeman! "So, you want to play board games with your friends for free?", he asked. "Yes... but I don't know how!", I replied. "Well, go make your own board game simulator you lazy git", he said as he vanished into the night sky. And the rest, they say, is history.

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