
=CURRENTLY EXPLORING: Taste · Interactivity · Storytelling = +WORKING ON: Identi-tea+ Greetings curious soul (or random person of the internet)! Welcome to the empori's humble Ko-fi page. We mostly create IRL experiences, but we are also diving into making digital experiences and DIY kits so you can recreate and share our experiences with your friends and family. If you've found our experiences intriguing, interesting or both, it'd be awesome if you could buy us a Ko-fi ☕ [Where is my money going?] You're helping us stay alive! Your coffee will go towards helping us: -Pay for materials for our test-runs -Paying our monthly featured illustrators and artists (because artists need to eat too!) -Paying for our Typeform, QuickBooks etc. work-related subscriptions If there magically are left-over funds after all the above, money then goes towards feeding me. 😎

Make money doing what you love. No fees on donations!
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