
Hi there, and thanks for visiting! My name's Mark, and I'm a digital sculptor, making 3D printable pin-up and character figurines for you to print at home. The figurines I make are designed to be printed at 1:10 scale. They are usually original characters, but sometimes fan art. I'm hoping to make this my living, so your support means everything to me and my family! Ko-fi is the place to simply support me if you like what I do. There are no promises of rewards, but the more support I get, the more I can give back to you in the future! If you are looking for rewards, I also have a Patreon with monthly releases: https://www.patreon.com/EmptyForge And if you're not in a position to support me financially, a follow/like/share on social media is really helpful to get the word out! You can find all my links here: https://beacons.ai/emptyforge

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