
Ko-Fi of enosiophobia.com, where I post reviews of video games, movies, and music. In that order of frequency. My reviews are written by myself and were originally written for myself, as a way to expand my thoughts on the given media I consumed. This constant habit that I've maintained over the years has led me to express my thoughts in a cohesive manner that I'm comfortable with, to the point where I'm not frustrated by the fact of not being able to put my thoughts into words in a way that allows me to manifest how I feel about something. This is a skill that I've honed over the years to such an extent that I'm confident enough to even create my own website to publicly share my work with the world, as it would be selfish of me not to do so. But that also leaves me with a question, now that I'm a grown-up with a full-time job and bills to pay: even though this is my hobby, isn't it possible that someone might find my content helpful enough to voluntarily contribute financially to the project? It was a thought that dawned on me shortly after I considered that the advertising route is not something I'm particularly keen on, as I wouldn't have full control over what content is promoted on my site. If you're reading this, it's probably because you were interested enough in my reviews or persona to land on my my Ko-Fi page. There is one important thing you should know before you even consider pulling the trigger and subscribing to any tier: I don't post reviews on a regular basis. I post them as I finish them, which implies that I have the time to sit down and play/watch/listen to the media I want to review, and take the time to review it, which can vary greatly depending on what I take away from the media and how it inspires me. One thing is a given: I always write my reviews according to MY opinion and provide the pertinent information to reasonably support why I like or don't like something. If, for whatever reason, Ko-Fi and Patreon generate a steady monthly income that allows me to focus more on this mantra of "consuming media" and write extensively about it, you can bet that I will spend more time writing and publishing more reviews, which is a win-win for everyone interested in my content.

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