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Esper Arts

🙋🏾‍♀️ Welcome to my Ko-fi Page! You'll find art and graphic designs otherwise of emotes and other assets for VTubing, streaming platforms, socials; and more as spoons allow. Every contribution helps to ensure financial support for my livelihood, so please consider supporting me with a donation or as a monthly member if you'd like to see more. Thank you in advance for your support! ✨ [Support Benefits] 💎 Whether donating, or supporting as a member, you get exclusive access to my Discord section for supporters. There, you can read updates, and vote on monthly polls for an Art of the Month (initial launch TBD). 💡 To ensure you get your Discord benefits, please have your account connected before choosing to donate or support as a member. 💎 Honorables and above members receive a small, safe-for-work welcome doodle. 💎 Oracles and above get access to my Fourthwall's Member Feed (when Ko-fi integration is implemented), and a tier-exclusive shop discount of 5%. 💎 Photoners exclusive shop discount: 10% [More Links, Contact, and Extra Important Info] 📨 Commission TOS: Adoptables TOS: Commission Status: TNTV 🈯 (email for slot status/reservations) Commission contact/status/support: Business contact: For emails, please include [INQUIRY] in the subject line so I can see it more easily! Need something else designed that may not be listed? Just ask, and maybe we can work something out. I don't do animations at this time. NO N//F//T OR A.I. IMAGE GENERATION QUERIES. Cryptocurrency is not a payment option. Secure wishlist:

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