Expanding Eden

Hey! I'm Daniel, the heart and soul behind Expanding Eden. I've had a passion for creating games and telling stories for as long as I can remember. My first proper venture into game development started 5 years ago as an escape room in Canberra. The experience was incredible, and I learned invaluable game design, world building and puzzle design skills. Now, I'm ready to take what I've learned and step into the video game industry. From the conceptual sketches on a napkin to the final lines of code, every step in our development process is a labour of love, precision, and a little bit of that "gamer's midnight oil." But game development is more than just a process; it's a journey that I can't take alone. That's why I'm here on Ko-fi, inviting you to join our plant-y pocket of Eden. Thank you for believing in the game, the story, and the dream. Let's play, Daniel

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