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What I Do
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Hello and welcome to my Ko-Fi page! My name is Feline, and if you've read the 'About me' section already, you know that I'm an artist and webcomic creator! I decided to finally set up this page after noticing a lot of lovely people really like to send me ink on Tapas and I'm super grateful for the support, however, I wanted to add some other options for people to support me! While I really do appreciate the support on Tapas, Ko-Fi would be my preferred method of support. The fees here are only 5%, and it’s a lot easier to access the support sent to me here than it is on Tapas. So, if you weren’t sure where to support me, I’d recommend here! (Plus you get extra content!) This is also a great place for me to set up my shop, as I have so many stickers waiting to be sold, and so many merch ideas that I want to follow up on. (So, expect a shop launch at some point!) There's no rhyme or rule to how this page works, I kind of just want it to be a place where you can give one-off donations or sign up for monthly donations for a few extra perks. Also, I know money is really tight right now for a lot of people so please don't feel obligated to donate or sign up for the memberships, I intend to post stuff on here alongside the membership stuff that anyone can interact with, whether you’ve donated or not. Mainly, I just want it to be a really informal kind of place where I can chat with you all. Of course, I'll be posting things like WIPs, BTS, sketches, bonus content, doodles and character references. But I also want to share things not related to the webcomics I post, like university work, random OCs of mine and probably a few memes. Everyone who reads my comics on Tapas has been so lovely, understanding, and supportive and I just really want to get to know you all a bit more! Since I don't use Instagram anymore, I don't have any other social media besides Pinterest, so I only really get to talk with you through the comments sections on Tapas. And while that's fine for a few little conversations, it's nice to have a place where we can discuss things and you can give me feedback if you like! So that's it for now, thank you for visiting my Ko-Fi and thank you for your ongoing support as well as for considering donating and supporting me here, again I really appreciate it! Stay safe and be kind to yourself! Love, Feline xoxo

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