G / Garrett / megabyteGhost / beatMage

Hey friend! I'm beatMage, and from a young age, I have always had a deep passion for music. I can (embarrassingly) remember singing along to Backstreet Boys on my PlayStation CD player as a kid. Since then, I've always wanted to produce music. However, like many aspiring musicians, I faced discouragement from others who believed that pursuing a career in music was not a viable option. This caused me to lose faith in my own abilities and led me to take a more conventional path. I decided to attend college and eventually found myself working in the field of digital marketing. Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work with a diverse range of clients and industries. I have collaborated with non-profit organizations, contributed to the marketing efforts of wheel/rim websites, assisted video game companies in reaching their target audience, of course supported musicians in their promotional activities, and even played a part in marketing large electronic music festivals. I don't even want to remember the super boring projects like marketing campaigns for printer toner websites. When I turned 30, I realized that I was just overall really unhappy with my life and career path. That was over 5 years ago. I've made the decision to follow my heart and pursue a career that aligns with what I've always wanted. But the last 20 years weren't a waste. My extensive marketing knowledge and experience is something I can now dedicate to helping other musicians navigate the complex world of marketing. I am committed to sharing my expertise and empowering artists to effectively promote their music and reach their desired audience. In addition to assisting other musicians, I am also actively building my own record label (Approaching Utopia, LLC). This endeavor allows me to apply my marketing skills to promote and support talented artists who may otherwise struggle to gain recognition in the industry. By combining my passion for music with my marketing expertise, I aim to create a platform that nurtures and amplifies the voices of emerging musicians. I am grateful for the diverse experiences I have had in the marketing world, as they have equipped me with a unique perspective and skill set that I can now leverage to make a meaningful impact in the music industry. If you're a musician looking for guidance in marketing your music or an artist seeking a platform to showcase your talent, I am here to help. Together, we can navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the music industry and make your artistic dreams a reality. ## Purpose The purpose of this record label is three-fold: 1. Bring electronic music to northern Palm Beach County, Florida. 2. Foster a local community around DIY art. 3. Provide DRM-Free and Creative Commons music for any purpose. ## Values 1. DRM-Free: By prioritizing DRM-free media, our record label is advocating for the removal of digital rights management (DRM) restrictions on music. This means that the music we release can be enjoyed and shared without technological limitations, allowing listeners to have more control over their purchased or streamed content. It promotes a belief in consumer rights and the freedom to use music across different devices and platforms. 2. Creative Commons: Embracing Creative Commons licenses demonstrates our commitment to enabling artists to share their work with specific permissions and guidelines. Creative Commons licenses provide a flexible framework that allows artists to choose how their music can be used, remixed, and shared by others. This approach encourages collaboration, remix culture, and the democratization of creativity, as it enables others to build upon existing works and fosters a sense of shared culture. 3. Ecological Sustainability: We believe in promoting environmental responsibility and sustainability within the music industry. This could involve implementing eco-friendly practices, supporting artists who advocate for environmental causes, or using our platform to raise awareness about environmental issues. 4. Social Justice and Ending Poverty: We are committed to addressing poverty and social inequality. Our label may strives to support artists from diverse backgrounds and communities, provide fair and equitable opportunities, and use music as a tool for social change and empowerment. 5. Equal Rights for All: We strongly believe in equal rights and inclusivity. Our record label aims to create a space where artists from all backgrounds, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic, are treated with respect and provided equal opportunities for success. 6. Lifting Up Minorities and Marginalized Peoples: Our label is dedicated to amplifying the voices and talents of minority and marginalized communities. We aim to provide a platform for underrepresented artists, supporting their artistic growth and ensuring their stories and perspectives are heard and appreciated. 7. Artistic Integrity and Creative Freedom: Our record label is dedicated to upholding the artistic integrity and creative freedom of the artists we work with. We prioritize allowing artists to express themselves authentically and explore their artistic vision without compromising their artistic integrity. This value emphasizes the importance of nurturing a supportive and collaborative environment where artists can experiment, take risks, and push boundaries in their music, ensuring that their unique voices are respected and celebrated.

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