
Say Hello to Aris Aris is our inspiration in starting this tremendous journey. Aris was born 24 weeks premature, 580 grams with no hope of survival. Through many sleepless nights his mother endured, not giving up the hope in Gods love. Aris endured many heart, eye, vocal cord and G-tube surgeries. At 4 months old Aris was living by the help of a machine which the doctors decided to unplug. Aris mother was contacted and asked to go see Aris one last time before the machine was unplugged. As any mother would be, she went with her heart in her hands, broken into many pieces. Once at the hospital she touched her son one last time and prayed. At that moment Aris with his little hands grabbed unto his mothers finger, but the doctors said it was just a nerve reflex and she had to step out for 1 minute. As she walked out to the waiting room, she waited for the confirmation that it was done. She waited crying for about 1 hour when she noticed the Doctor walking out with her hands up in the air as worshiping God. The Doctor said, " The giant is breathing on his own. This is a miracle." Aris was named the giant even though he was the size of a dollar, as a gesture of love. He was the smallest child in the whole hospital. As he grew up we decided to start changing his diet to a more natural and chemical free diet. This brought about his mother to think of other natural ways to live. Today we offer you this amazing product and hope to make many more. To see more about Aris please press the button below. For purchasing please scroll down to our storefront Follow Aris

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