Health Liberation Now!

Hi! Welcome to the Ko-Fi page for Health Liberation Now!, a free, trans-run resource analyzing the social and political forces acting in opposition to health liberation for transgender, nonbinary, detransitioned, retransitioned, and gender non-conforming people, as well as those questioning their gender. We pair these analyses with collections of proactive resistance strategies that community organizers can use in pursuit of trans health liberation. This is a service we are intentionally providing for free to the public. Currently, all of the written content on HLN is being created either by the two initial developers Lee Leveille and Ky Schevers or has been shared by community members in pursuit of collective liberation. No content will be behind paywalls, ever. Trans liberation doesn't come with a price tag, it comes with blood, sweat, and tears. However, we want to be able to pay people for their labor. This is hard work and we're all living in a system designed against us. That said, the developers of HLN are also low income, one developer is disabled and visually impaired, and all costs are currently paid out-of-pocket. We accept donations to help make HLN a positive resource for trans health liberation on a purely voluntary basis. Donations help us with: * Server and tech costs * Research materials * Funds to compensate writers and other content creators for their labor

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