Henry Neilsen (huntingsunrise)

Art is cool. Music, films, plays, painting, sculpture - it's all cool. However, I've noticed that there is a level of focus on the literal, surface-level interpretation of art that is becoming more pervasive. I want to write about art - but I don't want to do long form reviews of entire works, and I don't want to do small, surface level readings of art. When art inspires me, and makes me think, I want to dive into what that means and write about where a specific theme from a work sends me. To that end, each week I write a 2000-4000 word essay about one of the pieces of art that I write each week. I try to make it entertaining and, where appropriate, funny. I also create works of my own. Two books are available on Amazon, I have a podcast that I'm still working on, and I'll be continuing to write my own fiction which monthly supporters will get for free when I write it. If this sounds like something you're keen for, sign up to support me! I'd really appreciate it and it will help a lot to develop my work and ability to dedicate time to it. Links to things https://linktr.ee/henryneilsen

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