
Welcome to my ko-fi page My name is SaLeana Alexander and I am a comic artist and animation student. I make a webcomic that shares the same name as my handle, and I want to make animations. One reason I use ko-fi is to refresh my motivation to show off my work in a gallery. The majority of the content I post here is free access to anyone, regardless if they are supporters or not. What else will I use ko-fi for? As I mentioned before, I am an animation student; I'm in college full-time. While I do have other forms of income that support me now as a student, school at the end of the day is a luxury that cost me a pretty penny. All funds I make here on ko-fi will go straight into my education. Examples of the funds are my textbooks, tools, fees, or most all tuition. By using ko-fi to show off my work in a gallery in college, I also use it as a way for people can support me if they want to. No one is obligated if they don't want to or can't, but no matter what, I'll always appreciate the support. Thank you

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