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What I Do
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Hi, I'm Rosealyn! I love video games with a good story and adventure. I grew up on video games like Harvest Moon, Pokemon, and Legend of Zelda- and have a passion for sharing games with friends. Join me for story-rich games that send us on fantastical adventures, whether they be triple AAA or indie, with positively good company to boot! I'm proud to be a gaming accessibility and invisible illness advocate. I was diagnosed with a condition called fibromyalgia in 2019, and it has drastically changed how I experience the world. I was forced to leave my career plans of becoming a dental surgeon in the dust as my abilities weakened. I went through a really rough time where I grieved my lost life... lost dreams... lost mobility and ability. I saw some hope when my husband asked me to think of something to bring me joy- and I remembered all my days playing N64 two inches from a screen, midnight hospital trips playing DS on the cold floor, and watching my best friends play Fallout in their dorm living room. I remembered how much that COMPANY meant to me. It meant so much that it inspired me in December of 2019 to begin my journey as a YouTube creator. I LOVE story-rich titles that get my brain turning and being a source of comfort. You can find me on YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, and more! Rosealyn's Links Rosealyn's Business Email

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