
Do you like monsters? Do you like lesbians? How about deep fantasy lore? Buying a Kofi will help make Tender Powers for the Witching Hour a reality. Not your thing? Well, I have good news. What about space runaways trying to get an alien heir back to their home planet without getting murdered? It’s a drama! It’s a a comedy! There’s some tasteful sapphic notes sprinkled in there. A sci-fi comic in the making, Runaways. More into the emerging Cli-Fi (climate fiction) genre? Well, get ready for murderous governments, family secrets, and a race against time to save the “unfavorable” from dying. The Vantage explores a future where technology is taken too far. Comics all in the making and under development, with Tender Powers’ first chapter being slated to release in May/June 2020!

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