
Not only reviving Patch English, but the Devs have also even upgraded it to be more powerful than before. The key highlights of our latest patch include the following: Engine: + Dedication to Unity 64-bit il2cpp Framework. + Dedicated plugin for the Priconne game. + 16:9 aspect ratio client. + Support for resolutions beyond 720p. + Maximize and fullscreen capabilities. + Implementation of Texture-based Name Translation, except for Atlas. + Console closure along with the client for Sugoi Auto Translate endpoint users. Ingame Patch Features: + Fixed bug with Skill bubble speech. + Fixed bug with name display in the story. + Fixed bug with bubble speech size in Adventure and Guildhouse. + Fixed bug with random story stuck issues. + Fixed bug with monster descriptions. + Removed typing effect in message windows during story and tutorial. + Enabled subtitles for both "Voice On" and "Voice Off" options. + Added large number separator. + Adjusted some text sizes. Join us at our discord:

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