Visual Bible Movies

Shalom! Grace and peace to you, my friend... I am so glad that you're reading this page right now. I am John☺ I created this page to reach out to you for financial support. This is not about growing my YouTube channel, per sè. I am asking for genuine charity to help me with basic needs in my life in this season. Like you, I love Visual Bible Movies, and I love the Bible, also. So, I am interested in you joining my channel to help me as I believe God and seek Him for His help. Maybe He will help me through you today. The Bible says: The whole body depends on Christ, and [.…through/by whom] all the parts of the body are joined and held together. Each ·part [supporting joint/ligament] ·does its own work [performs its function] to make the whole body grow and ·be strong with [to build itself up in] love. (Eph 4:16 EXB) 📖 Please prayerfully consider sowing into my life and joining this channel. If not, then I solicit your prayers, and I pray that you be blessed as well. 💞

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