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What I Do
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One-time Contributors get a discord role for funsies -If you donate over $25 in one donation, you can request a custom item for Stream Avatars, this will be added to the selection for everyone to use. Please note if it is for Mark 1 or 2 JayJays (no items for crunchy, sorry) and what the item should be in your donation. Monthly contributors get the First Class role in discord, letting them access First Class: a spot for subscribers/Ko-Fi supporters. Since I have more projects, I'll have more to post in there (: -Subscribing for any amount gets you into First Class -If you subscribe for $10 a month, You can add a color palate every other month to the JayJays. (10 total colors for MK1, 14 for MK2) -If you subscribe for $20 for two months, You can request a custom sprite for Stream Avatars. Not only will I implement it into the program for stream, but I will send you the sprite sheet after you keep the subscription for 3 months. After 6 months total, you can request 3 alternate color palates to be added to Stream Avatars. -If you leave the $20/mo subscription, after 3 months I will remove the character from the Stream Avatars selection entirely. The files will be kept in case you decide to support at that level again. Resubbing for that amount in the 3 month window will keep the sprite from being removed. -If you wish to have your avatar changed, after 6 months of it being up I will accept a change request. -If you decide to subscribe for $25+/month, you can request an item to be added to the selection each month, along with everything earned for subscribing at lower prices. *prices may change in the future

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