
Hello! My name is Sara and as you probably know, I write fanfiction in my free time. I have spent a lot of time in the last few months contemplating opening a Ko-Fi page, mostly because I felt really unsure whether the response would be good (or if there would be any response at all, really). Today, after spending the majority of my time thinking about it, I decided to finally do it and share the link with you. I really love writing. It's a source of happiness in some very dull days. However, because of juggling struggles of a broke university student, it's becoming increasingly hard for me to put up content while also working, studying, studying and working. I'm writing this post and sharing the link because I would like to ask you, if you enjoy my stories, if you want to and if you are able to, of course, to buy me a coffee and support me. That would mean the world to me :) Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I appreciate your interest! Best wishes xox

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