Jon Harper (jonspaceharper)

Welcome to my Ko-fi page. I'm Jon Harper, usually known as jonspaceharper. I enjoy creating things that others can use in their everyday lives. I designed, documented, and maintain a number of projects, mostly related to 3D printing and practical household applications. This Ko-fi page is here to help offset the costs of my work. I'm entirely self-funded, while every new OmniBox release, for example, uses several rolls of filament. At $25-ish a roll, that adds up quickly. I don't want anyone to feel obligated to donate, nor do I know how much free time I will have to work on a project at any given time. Because of this, I'm avoiding a monthly tip/donation option for now. Thank you for visiting here. Whether you leave a tip or not, I appreciate your interest in my work. Hopefully you've found it useful! Regards, Jon

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