Julia R. Turano

(*^▽^)/ Welcome! Thank you so much for dropping by my Ko-fi account. Thank you on advance for your support whether you follow me on instagram or you support me here on Ko-fi. 🌺 For Donations. ♥ You will have access to digital high quality artworks for you to download and monthly wallpapers. ♥ Making of and speed paintings. ♥ You will also have early access to my content, sketches and more… ♥ Different explanations and sheets to learn how I draw. I’m still learning. (*゚ー゚*) but some topics that I will be working on are: → Faces (Cute and more realistic features) → Poses (Line of action) → Color → Lighting and final render. → References (How to choose) *This first sheet will be complete free for everyone to check on how they are going to be done. If there is a lot to cover in one sheet, more will be add per week. I’ll be working on content for monthly subscriptions and maybe adding some merch, prints and more... *QUICK REMINDER CREATE AN ACCOUNT ON KOFI BEFORE DONATING SO YOU CAN HAVE ACCESS TO THE EXCLUSIVE CONTENT. If you haven't and you already donated, check your email to link your donation with an account. Thank you so much! 🥰

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